Autron Font Font
Download Autron Font font / typeface for free
Download Autron Font font for free. Autron Font is a font / typeface offered for free. please note that if the license offered here is non-commercial you have to obtain a commercial use license / permit from the original author.
Font Name: Autron Font
Author: Vunira
License: Free for personal use / Demo
Commercial License Website:
Font Description:
Autron is a cool and contemporary blackletter font that combines the traditional Gothic script with modern design elements. Its sharp and angular letters are tightly spaced, creating a bold and commanding presence. The font’s crisp lines and clean curves give it a sleek and stylish edge, while its blackletter heritage adds an air of history and sophistication. This font is perfect for projects that require a touch of classic elegance with a modern twist, such as editorial design, branding, and packaging.
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