Varsity Font Font
Download Varsity Font font / typeface for free
Download Varsity Font font for free. Varsity Font is a font / typeface offered for free. please note that if the license offered here is non-commercial you have to obtain a commercial use license / permit from the original author.
Font Name: Varsity Font
Author: phelan.riessen
License: Free for personal use / Demo
Commercial License Website:
Font Description:
Varsity is a cool Greek serif font in a collegiate style lettering. This font is perfect for designing T-shirts, fliers, and other collegiate graphic design schwag. This font is generally made for fraternities but can also be used for sororities.
Type lowercase for solid style Greek lettering and type Uppercase for outline style Greek lettering.
This font is strictly made for Greek collegiate, fraternity, and sorority use and does not contain lowercase Greek letters.
Please note: This product only includes Greek characters.
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