York Village Font Font
Download York Village Font font / typeface for free
Download York Village Font font for free. York Village Font is a font / typeface offered for free. please note that if the license offered here is non-commercial you have to obtain a commercial use license / permit from the original author.
Font Name: York Village Font
Author: letterhend
Website: https://www.creativefabrica.com/designer/letterhend/ref/239238/
License: Free for personal use / Demo
Commercial License Website: https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/york-village/ref/239238/
Font Description:
York Village is a stylish retro serif font with swashes. The stylistic alternates and ligatures make this font even more unique, and it stands out from the crowd with a 70s vibe. This font is perfectly made to be applied especially in logos, invitations, labels, magazines, books, greeting/wedding cards, packaging, fashion, make-up, stationery, novels, labels, or any type of advertising purpose.
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